Sunday, November 4, 2012

beats by dre pro Article Marketing ca

This Article is dedicated to Article Marketing. This type of Marketing is the fastest, and surest, way to get tightly targeted visitors to your money site. Tightly Targeted means people who are interested in what you are selling. If you are selling Bottle Caps, you dont want Fishing Reel buyers. It just wont work!

To make any product or program a ' selling success' you absolutely MUST have traffic, or visitors to your money site,beats by dre pro. Without any visitors, how can anyone expect to sell anything? Articles are the fastest and most effective way to get visitors, and these visitors are looking for the very product you are selling.

Articles are written with both the Reader and the Saleable Product in mind. The best way to really ensure targeted traffic is to write an article about the general topic your product is in. For example, if you are selling Solar Panels, you could write about Alternative Energy. This is the basis of your Article Marketing campaign.

The Article will be interesting and not too long. Your keyword for your Article [ say Solar Panels ] would total no more than 4% of the entire Article body. At the end, or base, of the Article you would add a Resource Box or Author Bio. Within this text you would link to your product no more than 2 times. I really recommend going to an Article Directory and look to the base of the Article to get an idea of what a Resource Box looks like and how its linked. The Resource Box is a major factor in your Marketing, so check out several Resource Boxes and get a feel for whats required. Your Article Marketing is now picking up the pace.

Now you have your Article, you need to post it in Article Directories. These are like Libraries of Articles on every subject under the sun. For the fastest results you need a piece of Software called an Article Directory Submitter which can be found by doing a search within MSN Live Search. Your Article Marketing campaign is now in full swing.

The result of publishing your Articles in dozens of Directories is the number of Backlinks to your product for sale. The Backlinks are in your Resource box or Author Bio. Search Engines rate Backlinks very highly. The more Backlinks you have to your product, the more your site is rated, the higher in Search Engine Results and the more visitors. The more visitors, the more sales.

Even better than this is the fact that Article Directories provide material for Newsletters, Blogs, Websites etc etc that need current and unique informtion. If your Article is used, your Backlink must be included. Write a compelling Article thats republished in a large number of places and get many more backlinks that will exponentially grow as your Article is used more and more.
This is Article Marketing at its best and most effective. Related articles:

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