Sunday, November 18, 2012

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Thus ground result!"
"At the beginning the occurrence advertises for the time of war, of the monster absolute being clan and others absolute being clan, early exist to fight.While even pawning everything clear absolute being clan and dark absolute being clan to cooperate to deal with a person absolute being clan and the monster absolute being clan ground anxious Mo Dan of Luo Er
The station of just full head big sweat is in oneself's in front.
"Under Mo Dan Shen of Luo Er, bother fixing of other people to do isn't an affair that absolute being emperor should do!"Hurtle lookinging at of some chagrinses Mo Dan of Luo Er week night.
Just fixed to do if keep on continuing, oneself perhaps could comprehend"north Ji" occult art in concerning the true spirit makes use of of more deeply comprehend, but, finished now, drive Luo Er Mo Dan Gao was getting more yellow!
"Fix to do?You know not to know, did you just almost spread the energy of whole body?"Mo Dan Kan of Luo Er till blunt week night incredibly the bad person sue in court first and have some to in distress situationly say.
"Spread whole body energy?"Is blunt week night immediately in the mind a surprised.
"I have never told you.You can try to absorb to seal to print inside the ancient absolute being clan land productivity quantity, but must be careful?You just were the strength that absorbed too many ancient absolute being clan, the result was anti-
But almost drive the ancient absolute being clan land productivity the quantity assimilate!"Mo Dan of Luo Er didn't like saying of spirit.
"!"It was blunt to immediately think of Mo Dan of Luo Er to once warn own affair week night.Immediately the brain fanlight sweat Cen Cen but next.
No wonder that while just fixing to do although oneself felt comfortable,also felt that oneself seems to become aery at the same time, oneself before fixed to do all is to absorb energy, never already integrate surroundings
The felling of energy!
"Certainly, if you attain a person absolute being real strenght ground time, can attain state like this.Integrate into among the circumferential energy go, you will become the strongest absolute being emperor.But don't go now!Now you
Of the energy is not enough to forgive so strong energy, can get just the opposite."Mo Dan of Luo Er immediately after says.
"Person's absolute being?Or calculate, that was the later affair, now I still have peace of mind of promote strength, work well the affair that I should do currently!"It was blunt to shake to shake head week night.
However rise from this a moment, hurtle week night of in the mind beginning acquire the absolute being amount of land productivity, slowly became an oneself target within heart:Not only for the sake of oneself, also for the sake of completion demon loosing of way Xiao sun wish!
"Under Mo Dan Shen of Luo Er, has your real strenght been already resumed?"It is blunt to return to absolute being week night.Looking at Mo Dan of Luo Er, this just discovers, Mo Dan of Luo Er was no longer that small old man at the moment.
Mo Dan of Luo Er has already become two meters: a height many now, the shape is extremely well-balanced, and the feature imitates Buddha knife to pare the ground about 40 years old that the ax splits one lines toughness middle age.
Only ……
He has no clothes to wear now, light wear bottom ……
But hurtle now week night 1:00s don't feel funny.On the contrary feel that Mo Dan of Luo Er's whole bodies all send forth a matchless dignity.
Mo Dan of Luo Er's body sent forth the energy of to slowly weaken, gradual of, become is like a common run of people that completely has no energy ground, stand on week night blunt in front.This makes the week night blunt to just become
From such as some, stood to get up.
"My real strenght hasn't completely resumed,cheap dr dre beats, most now however is the half of peak real strenght just.However among the living boundary, I don't have the opportunity for making moves.I have plenty of time to resume my own real strenght
.And, even if is to make moves, among the living boundary, the real strenght like this is also all right already.Let's leave here!I have already felt sick of this place."Mo Dan of Luo Er turned head to see one eye, this mountain cave and moved forward
Walked to go out.
Hurtled to turn head to see one eye, this mountain cave week night, also unbearable some exclamations:Thus the ground is a place, if is a person of oneself to lead last several a hundred years alone here, oneself early grew crazy!
Two people once wore crystal wall successfully.Returned to abyss sea eye.Just came out mountain cave, blunt week night saw still around ground an evil monster in the abyss here sea eyes-was sealed to print absolute being is at the monster here
"Mo Dan Shen of Luo Er next.You see whether want to take them?"Is blunt week night the evil monster lookinging at large numbers of sea come together here, also some cant not bear to the monster absolute being of heart these absolute being areas if this continues.
Mo Dan of Luo Er but shook to shake head, go forward past, arrived at the middle of sea evil monsters.
"I know that the owners all expect to acquire a freedom, the place returned to oneself to once live, took back to belong to our things.Your king also entrusts me, if I get a freedom, hope that I take you
Leave here, return absolute being area!But I can not take you now, because I not know that I when just can return to an absolute being area, also not know when, the absolute being clan of our person and monster absolute being clan can weigh
The new gathering resists the strength of bright absolute being clan and dark absolute being clan!So, waiting until us I ask everyone to temporarily live in here, can?"Looking at empty empty sea surface, week night hurtle have no language ……
However, also can't, the somebody else is an eldest brother, your ability how?
Is blunt to have to prepare to invoke own evil monster week night, leave here, going to second Pa city of card to look for that bedlamite sorcery teacher Fu the Yi is virtuous.
"Wei strange space, you indeed as expected didn't die!Ha ha ……too good!I see you running where this time!"
Is blunt to haven't come yet week night and invoke the Lai Si Kai Er, hear inside Na Si the voice of the surprise.
"Be not?"The blunt in the mind secretly complains of hard lot week night, favour not the invoking of Die Lai Si Kai Er.
But this time, his in front not and far place, "bomb" ground a , a huge water pillar blunt sky but rise, inside the Na Si have already appeared on the sea surface ……

First chapter 3 kidnaps

See the inside Na Si again make track for come, week night hurtle despondent heads all greatly.How so Qiao, has it happened that Mo Dan of Luo Er's just walking him already appeared?
"Wei strange space, you stop for me!" The inside Na Si immediately blocked to hurtle week night.
" Inside Na Si, I with you of have no old grudge?Even if is to there is old grudge, also your daughter's vital part I!I am to don't give offense to you, doesn't your why and so hard making track for me put?"
Was blunt to invoke week night the Lai Si Kai Er, but he doesn't dare to jump to escape in the back of Lai Si Kai Er.
Although oneself is a saint rank, at be called half monster absolute being of in the in front of Na Si, blunt very understand week night, if inside the Na Si iron heart intercept himself/herself, the Lai Si Kai Er absolutely has never taken oneself to fly to walk
Of opportunity.
"Wei strange space, I once said with you, the Lai silk Er just worried you and wanted to make sure that you really don't die, only this and no more just!You can not make allowance for a father?" The inside Na Si is these days of to see future
The son leads of is not good either, all of two eyes are thrombuses, the spirit also seems to be very exhausted.
"You don't play trick with me!Can the Lai silk Er put poison in to harm me and also worry my life and death?Wanting me to die is falsely her desirable of?"It is blunt week night the Er thinking of Lai silk to become angry.
"Misunderstand, that is completely misunderstanding!Lai silk the Er hard do for you to eat of, want to poison to death you?She since the childhood even connect a fishes of least have never killed!She doesn't even eat meat at ordinary times,
The vegetarian food that eats nautical mile!You incredibly sully her ……you ……" in the Na Si hear hurtle to say so week night, the in the mind becomes angry of want combustion.
"I don't listen to your explanation, I know that I after once eating those things almost died.If isn't that I was lucky, I became submarine heap of muck early now!"Is blunt week night also Geng
Have neck.
"You ……" the inside Na Si be almost suddenly and violently walking.
This is in the world, at least at north purgatory in, dare so talk with himself or herself still from no one, more no one dares to toward he or she to say so the daughter whom he or she loves deeply most Lai silk the ill of the Er!This lets inside Na
The ideas that the Si wants to immediately chock to death to hurtle week night all had,beats dr dre.But thought of Lai silk Er at the moment circumstance, the inside Na Si cut up rough on the sea surface of the return rove around, lead very greatly and in a short while just at last quelled an in the mind
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